Lily is such a funny little girl- doing so many new things everyday! She is a very girly girl- always has been!
She got a nail file for Christmas and loves to file her nails! She is also really into playing dress up... she loves her princess dresses, necklaces, rings, and especially bracelets!! She likes to wear them all at once!
A few days ago I caught her with the camera... I let her keep playing with it, she took over 100 pictures of herself!
Lily has also fallen in love with Justin Beiber... its hillarious! She was dancing with my little cousin to Justin Beiber the other day- now she asks for it all the time! When I said I didn't have any Justin Beiber she threw a crying fit- one of the funniest things I have ever seen! We downloaded a few songs for her and loaded them on to her kid tough music player- that is all she listens to! She is even learning the words and loves to dance around to it!
Here are some pics of our princess:

"Princess Doctor Moyo" (her pediatricians name is Dr. Moyo)

Lily with just a few of her bracelets... normally she also has atleast 10 Silly Bandz on!

Here are the pics she took: