Tonight Lily took her first steps tonight, the night before her 1st birthday!! She is such a big girl now, no longer my
itty bitty baby girl. A bunch of us were at my mom's tonight having coffee and Lily was playing with her Tia Erica, they were practicing walking and then all of the sudden Lily took 5 steps!! She repeated this a few times throughout the night. Unfortunately Nelson wasn't there, but hopefully Lily will do it again soon for him.
I really can't believe Lily will be one tomorrow!! We plan to spend the day having lots of fun. She is getting her 1 year pictures tomorrow, doing some visiting, and a
playdate! At night the 3 of us are going to have a nice dinner and some birthday cake!!
This weekend we have Lily's Birthday Party on Saturday, it should be a great time for all. I will be sure to take a ton of pictures over the next several days and will post them!!