Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Christmas Morning!

Christmas Eve!
Christmas #1
I am going to break Christmas up into a few posts with some pics from each!
Our First Christmas dinner was with Nelsons parents, sisters and grandparents- we celebrated the Sunday before Christmas. It was really nice, quiet, and a lot of fun was had by all. We were all very spoiled!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
This and That
Lily is wonderful- doing really well at the sitters. She has her good and bad times there, a bit sucky when she is tired, etc- but what baby isn't! She is still peeing when we put her on the potty... but i am not sure she likes the music it plays- she jumps off as soon as the music plays, lol.
She is talking, walking and dancing all the time- it is soo cute!! She changes so much and learns so much everyday- she is so much fun!!
We got a few more pictures from Lily's photo session last month- these pics are adorable!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009
Potty update!
Anyways... This morning when we all got up I was changing her diaper, and put her on the potty- not even 2 seconds later she peed!!!
This is my baby genius, hehe!!
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Saturday, December 12, 2009
Lily went pee pee on the potty!!
We are so proud of our little baby genius, hehe!
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Friday, December 11, 2009
Mmmmmm Chocolate
Monday, December 7, 2009
Lily's Birthday Party!!
Lily walking :) She is pretty quick!
Her ladybug cake from Divalicious cakes

Birthday post #1
We had a very busy day with pictures, Lily's first happy meal, a play date with Clara, and then a quiet dinner at home just Mommy, Daddy and Lily!
Lily loved her gifts from us, especially her new Wisper Ride Buggy!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
I really can't believe Lily will be one tomorrow!! We plan to spend the day having lots of fun. She is getting her 1 year pictures tomorrow, doing some visiting, and a playdate! At night the 3 of us are going to have a nice dinner and some birthday cake!!
This weekend we have Lily's Birthday Party on Saturday, it should be a great time for all. I will be sure to take a ton of pictures over the next several days and will post them!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Learning so much, so fast!!
Here are a few:
New words: duck, mooo, pa pa pa (grandpa), Juuu (julie), jep (jeff), cell (michele), ia (tia erica, tia elsa), zee zee (lindsay)
When we ask what a monkey says she dances like a monkey and says "eee eee".
She tries to open and shut doors, and loves it!
She dances to "sweet caroline" and says bop bop bop- she absolutely loves this song and stops and claps and dances as soon as she hears it.
There are so many things I missed!! I am going to try to get some on video and put them up soon!
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

Monday, November 16, 2009
Santa Pics!

Brushing teeth!!
I let her brush her teeth while I brush mine, and then we brush hers again.

Friday, November 13, 2009
Learning so much!
- She mooo's when we ask what a cow says, but she also points to her rocking horse and mooo's, it is soo cute.
- she said "Duck" and she said "Quack"- she is also LOVING her rubber ducks!
- she said "Lindsay", but now she says "Zee" and sticks her finger in her mouth- we are assuming this is because Lindsay was trying to show her how to make a popping sound with her finger/cheek.
- she loves to dance and giggle- we were playing the Glee soundtrack tonight and Sweet Caroline comes on and she says "Bap Bap Bap" and gets soo excited!
- she said Grandpa
- she is soooo close to walking on her own. When she pushes around her mail cart she runs all over the room, literally runs! and when she gets into a corner she moves it back and forth until she can run again!