Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
A week in pics

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Plump, chunky, fat, healthy! "Hasn't missed many meals", chubby, big cheeked, rolley... But juicy takes the cake, lol.
Tonight we were at a Walmart in Buffalo and the cashier came around and said she was "the cutest "Juiciest" baby ever and she just wanted to kiss her big cheeks". Nelson and I thought it was pretty funny.
We are away for the night in Buffalo doing some shopping for Lily mainly- we got her a ton of clothes at Target and Old Navy- we are heading to the Carters and OshKosh outlets tomorrow!! We went to the Cheesecake Factory tonight to celebrate our 3rd wedding anniversary which is today!!!
I will update tomorrow with some adorable pics of Lily swimming in the pool here!!
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Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
A day at the park!
So far she has tried cereal- rice, oat and whole grain organic rice, she definitely prefers regular rice cereal!
She has also tried Sweet Potatoes and Banana's- she seems to like them both! Tonight we are going to try beans or peas, we will see how that goes- they stink, lol.
Lily is not having as many "meals" a day as she used to, so I know the food is def filling her up. Here is how a typical day goes food wise for her:
Breakfast (8-9am)- Breast Milk, Rice cereal mixed with a fruit (Banana's for now)
Lunch (12-1ish)- Breast Milk, a fruit and a veggie
Snack (3ish) - Breast Milk (only if she doesn't sleep through it, she often does)
Supper (5-6ish) - Breast Milk, Rice Cereal, Veggie, Fruit (smaller amounts of each)
Bedtime (9ish) - Breast Milk/formula in a bottle
That is our regular day, somedays she won't want to have food at certain meals- she just spits it out or gags- I never force it, we just generally end up giving her the next meal sooner! Just like if she doesn't wake up to eat in the afternoon I give her dinner earlier :)
I am sure our schedule will change again, but that's how it is right now :)
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Saturday, May 16, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009
Mothers Day
Nelson and Lily made my day perfect with a wonderful crepe breakfast and a wonderful surprise of beautiful diamond earring- I was spoiled!! They also gave me a wonderful card that made me cry! I was quite emotional and also cried when I received a few Mothers Day fwd's.
Also a note for all who are still trying to become a mom, either trying to get pregnant or trying to adopt! It will happen, never give up!! It was a long journey for Nelson and I to end up here, and it was hard! But I would do it a million times over to end up with my baby girl- it is worth it!!
Unfortunately I didn't get any pics of us all together yesterday, but I did get a few of just Lily... so here they are:

Friday, May 8, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Matching Outfits
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
A quick video...
Lily is a very happy baby... she tends to smile and laugh a lot when she eats, so we thought we would video it!

Sunday, May 3, 2009
5 Months!!
She is now eating cereal- she has had rice and oats and seems to prefer the rice cereal! She is also kind of back to sleeping through the night- she does wake most nights once or twice for her beaka, and the odd night she wants to eat around 4am. When she wakes up each morning she giggles and coos in her crib, it is adorable! When I go in to get her I get the biggest, most beautiful smile ever! Speaking of big smiles- she is getting her first tooth!! Right now we can just see that a little bit has broken through, but we can feel it and her checks have been rosey and she has been putting everything she can in her mouth, especially her fingers!
I think she is going to sit on her own soon, she loves to be sitting up in our laps and she always pulls her self to sitting when we lean he on a pillow- but she goes all the way forward, its so cute. I also think she is getting close to rolling over- we practice during tummy time- which she still hates!
Lily is so much more aware now, she smiles and laughs when we sing the itsy bitsy spider. She laughs on the swings at the park, and she smiles and 'talks' when I push her in the stroller! She is really enjoying her teething rings, Sophie (as always) and her fingers, lol. She loves to pull her beaka out and put it back in, she is so excited when she finally gets it back in!
She has started to play strange a bit this month, but I think its a combination of becoming more aware of where Mommy and Daddy are and her teething.
I can't remember if I missed anything- but I probably did- she is changing so fast and doing new things everyday!! I love watching her grow and do new things- she amazes me everyday and I feel so privileged to be her Mom- I thank God every day for that.
I will load some pics from this month in another post :).
Thanks for reading and please feel free to comment on any posts you would like. When Lily is a year old I am going to print off this entire blog, including comments and put it together with a baby book for her so one day she can go back and read all about her first year!
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