- She weighs 18.5lbs (only half a pound more, lol)
- She walks everywhere scaling the furniture
- She lets go and stands on her own for awhile
- She crawls all over
- She can climb over things
- She climbs the stairs
- She eats everything we do
- She loves Tootsie Pops (I know she is too young, but a lick or 2 is just fine)
- She loves finger foods
- She loves to eat pieces of fruit on her own
- Her favourite toys are her mail cart (she pushes it around), her learning table and fridge farm.
- She LOVES shoes, hers, ours and everyone's!
- She loves to play Peak-a-boo
- She claps and cheers for herself all the time!
- She still loves to chase Mylo all over the house and pet him
- She dances to ANY kind of music, whether it be me singing, her toys, commercials, the radio... anything!
- She says a few new words- This and That, she points at things and says "This?" and waits for us to tell her what it is, then she says "that"... it is sooo cute!!
This month Lily also celebrated her first Thanksgiving, her first Halloween, and went to her Godfather Johnny's wedding. We had a lot of playdates and went on a road trip to Ohio to visit the Duguays! It was a very exciting month!
This month I plan to do as much as I can with Lily before I have to go back to work! We will also start preparing for Lily's Birthday party and for Christmas!

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