This morning at the park I discovered Charlie's first tooth!!! He was flashing me a HUGE smile and laugh when I noticed the tiny white bud!! Another first for Charlie this week is climbing- he climbs everything and pulls himself up- on chairs, toy bins, my legs, everything!!
We had a great morning at the park, we all finally feel normal and healthy again! Today was the first day we are all back in good health- and we are beyond thankful for that! While at the park Charlie had his first experience on the swing- He LOVED it, laughed so much- I loved it, and I can't wait for us to get our swingset up in the backyard!
I don't have much of a post about Mother's day- it was a bit low key this year as Nelson wasn't feeling great in the morning and then I started to feel pretty brutal in the afternoon. On a positive note, Nelson and the kids got me some beautiful flowers and we had ordered me a necklace I wanted- I am a very lucky girl.
Here are a few pictures:
Park fun!!
Charlie's huge smiles on the swing!!
A sight never seen before... Lily with her hands in the dirt!!
(this was followed with "Daaaddy... water my hands clean")
Helping Daddy edge the lawn
Lily with her big girl bike!
The gang at the park!!
Charlie pulling himself up on Lily's chair
My Mother's Day Necklace
More Charlie smiles... just because he is so cute!!

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