We had quite the weekend, and not in a good way!
On Friday Lily, Charlie and I loaded into my parents van along with my mom, dad, and sister Michele- we were headed to Ohio to attend my cousin's first communion. The trip down was great- the kids were amazing and we got there in decent time! We did a little Target shopping and went to my aunt and uncles for dinner and some "Just Dance 2"- we had a great time! Then we headed back to our hotel... Thats when everything went downhill.
I got the kids in their PJ's and was getting Lily settled in the bed when I heard a splat... she had thrown up all over the bed. I got her cleaned up and called housekeeping for some new sheets... we repeated this process a few times (I felt SO bad for housekeeping). Lily finally fell asleep, but woke up throwing up Saturday morning. My parents, sister and Charlie all went to the communion and Lily and I hung out and took it easy- she threw up a ton! By this point she was just so tired, whiney and wanted her own bed. Once the communion was over we decided it was best to head home a day early.
I can honestly say the ride home was the worst 7hrs ever.. Lily throwing up and Charlie screaming- it was awful :( When we finally got home Lily was exhausted and fell right asleep!
Sunday Lily was NOT herself- she just layed around all day, didn't even want to watch TV... she started throwing up a ton more in the late afternoon- I knew she must be getting dehydrated as she hadn't kept much down in 2 full days at this point. We packed up, dropped Charlie at my parents and went to the ER.
We sat in the ER for what seemed like forever- she threw up a bunch there. Finally we were seen and she was put on an IV to rehydrate her- she still kept throwing up. Finally at 2am they admitted my poor baby. All she wanted to do was sleep- but they still did Xrays and bloodwork- it honestly broke my heart :(
Because I am still breastfeeding Charlie I headed to my parents to get him and bring him home- and Nelson stayed with Lily. I was back at the hospital the next morning to be with her!
Lily was amazing the whole stay- she was so well behaved and soo brave!! The fluids helped her a ton and she improved very quickly! We were told she would have to stay 2 nights- but she did so well that they let us go home after supper last night!!
She is doing MUCH better today- back to her regular self... acting silly, playing with Charlie, and getting into everything!!
I am so glad she is doing better- I hope she continues to improve and the rest of us stay healthy as we are headed on our first big vacation next week- plane rides and the beach- here we come!!
Here are some pics of my baby girl during her hospital stay:
Lily in the emergency room
Hanging out in her room
Once she started feeling a bit better
Lily's room had a river view!

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