stay tuned!!
Thanks to Stephanie @ Dirt and Lace Designs for all her hard work!!

Lily LOVES to dance, and her favourite song is Sweet Caroline from the Glee soundtrack- she always says "Bop bop bop" and we know thats what she wants... she has her timing down pretty good too!
She went 5 times on the potty today!!! She has gone poop everyday for the last 3 days on it as well. Tonight she even grunted and cried so I asked her if she wanted to go on the potty and she reached for me- so up we went to her potty and sure enough she started grunting and she pooped almost right away!!
She gets so excited and laughs and claps when she goes!! We cheer and sing for her and she gets the biggest, cutest grin ever!! I love it!!
I am so proud of her, way to go Lily!!!
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