We found out 3 weeks ago that we are expecting again!! It was a big surprise for us as it took so long for us to be blessed with Lily. We were planning to head back to the doctors the end of January to start fertility treatments again... but we are very blessed and somehow did it on our own!!
I didn't want to say anything here until we knew everything was going well. I had my first ultrasound today and we saw one tiny baby, with one tiny heartbeat!!
As of now our due date is September 18th, but that could change next week after I see my doctor and she tells me what the baby was measuring on the ultrasound.
Here our little peanuts first picture:

YAY! I am so so so so so so so happy for you guys and my lips are sealed!
What wonderful, wonderful news. So happy for you. Congratulations. Have you told Lily yet?
This is why Jeffs family didn't know! You said not until 3 months, see I am good at keeping secrets!!
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