I can't believe she is 14 months- she is growing so fast!
When we tell her to go to the potty now, or go to bed- she gets up and runs to the stairs, climbs up them and races to her bedroom- she is so smart!!
She goes on the potty multiple times a day at home, but isn't a fan of toilets/potty's when we aren't home. On Monday she stayed dry from 7am-4pm... I was so proud!
Lately we have discovered that our little Miss isn't a morning person- the poor girl is grouchy and whiny every morning at the sitters, but is totally fine and happy after her morning nap. She gets enough sleep - 9-10hrs at night and then a 1-2hr nap in the morning and a 2hr nap in the afternoon!
Pregnancy Update: things are going well- I was getting bad morning sickness, but was prescribed Diclectin to help with that- hopefully that works. I am measuring right on according to my ultrasound, so that would put me at 7 weeks, 4 days now. I go for my next ultrasound on March 4th.

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