After being on the wait-list for over a year, Lily was accepted into the pre-school in the "big kid" school down the street! She is going to start on August 3rd. Currently I drive her to the town over a few days a week for pre-school... it will be very nice to only have to walk 5minutes or drive for 1. We went for a tour last Friday and she is very excited to start there. We will really miss her current school and teachers, Lily adores them... but it will be much nicer to have her so close to home!
I also had a big change last week... I resigned from the company I have been at for the last six years! They were over an hour commute away, and were not being very accommodating for my return from maternity leave. I decided awhile ago I would look for something new, and I was very lucky, and now am going to be working for an amazing company called Diva International. They are the creators of The DivaCup! I started today just for a little bit of training, but I will be starting full time in September when my maternity leave is over! It is a great company, with amazing people, and I am really looking forward to working with them all. If any of you readers are interested in trying the DivaCup and would like more information, let me know!
In the fall we are very fortunate to have our mom's watching Charlie full time, and Lily part time! Nelson's mom is going to watch Charlie Monday-Thursday, and Lily on Tuesdays- she is also going to walk Lily to and from school each day! My mom is going to come out here on Friday's to spend the day with the kids! It makes me feel great knowing they will be well cared for while Nelson and I are at work.

1 comment:
You are so lucky to have family so close to help out. I've been thinking about going back to work but still scared to cut the cord I guess, haha!! At this point infant daycare is so very expensive here that it would actually cost us money for me to go back to work. In all honesty though I am kind of ready to get back in the work world. I miss the day to day interaction with adults, the feeling of acomplishing something other than nap time and throw ups!! Congrats on the new job though, that is awesome.
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